Monday, October 20, 2008

So...October 19th....

Can someone please tell me how in the world it is already October 19th???

It has been almost a month since "school" started, and with my new schedule, time absolutely flies. I think I've at least gotten used to the new schedule, which isn't to say I'm really crazy about it, but at least I've figured out how it works. I do have enough time to get it all done, and (minus this blog...) I've managed to stay on top of things fairly well, for which I'm thankful! My biggest frustration is I that don't have much free time to do "fun" things (like shop-I need nice, winter skirts and such and haven't had time to shop!) or stay in touch with friends here and all over the world. I think I'm more emotionally exhausted than anything else. It can be hard to have no time to talk to anyone for days. But only for a season.

Romanian is going well! Thank you all for praying. Languages are definitely still really hard for me, but I'm thankful to have a head start! I got a 97% on my first test (quite a difference between Moody grading and OSU grading, I'm finding!), and I generally UNDERSTAND most of what's going on. As is the case with learning any language, though, it is harder for me to figure out how to say things, and especially pronounce things. I keep thinking "I don't know that my mouth can do that!", but the sounds are slowly becoming less foreign to my lips, and I can see that I AM making progress. Which is encouraging.

As far as the support raising goes, I gave my presentation at my church a few weeks ago, and they voted to support me for 15% which is a HUGE encouragement! That brings my support level to (about) 30%! I've also called and talked with several pastors (TERRIFYING!!!) and my father has talked to others. We've sent lots of letters to lots of churches, so now...we wait, and then call again. Most churches are booked through the beginning of the year. Please keep praying that God would give me supporting churches that are excited about what God's doing in Romania and willing to support me both financially and in prayer.

Closing thoughts: I was talking to a friend tonight who is in "full-time ministry". He was sharing how he spends his days studying to teach, getting lessons ready, and then teaching throughout the week. I was so jealous! It was a good reminder, though, that this really, truly, is what I want to do, what I love to do, what God has called and gifted me to do. And that really WILL be my life one of these days. In God's time.

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