Friday, October 24, 2008

A Day Off From Jesus

I've been saying I needed a day off. Just one day where I didn't have to be anywhere, and could do something go shopping, as I mentioned. Well guess what! I got it! Kind of. Not how I would have expected, but as I've told several people, I think the circumstances were God's way of telling me to take a break. There was an accident on the freeway, and I couldn't make it to class on time, so instead of stressing about it, I decided to enjoy it. And I did indeed. I went shopping. And had lunch at Chipotle. And I made Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies. What a great day! So if you were praying that God would give me a chance to relax or something like that...He did indeed, and I'm so thankful! I actually woke up this morning feeling rested emotionally AND physically. So thank you friends. And thank You, Lord...for hearing and answering even "little" prayers.


Meg said...

Kristie - Yeah for days of rest! It is so cool how God gives us things we need, and often it comes in most unexpected way!

Hannah said...

Sounds like a great day Kristie! :) Off days are wonderful! Shopping, eating, and baking...lovely. *grin* Love you cousin!
