Friday, February 5, 2010

Small Victories and Setbacks

Well I must say, I'm glad it is not LAST week!
And I'm also thankful that THIS week is coming to a close. It has been a good week, but the learning curve is huge and I'm glad I'll never have to have a first week in Bucharest again! I'm able to find my way around my neighborhood now, shop, go to the bank, and walk to all of my teammate's apartments. Good things to know how to do, yes? Let me share some of my victories with you. They may seem small to you, but they were causes of great rejoicing to me!

1. I learned how to work the washer and dryer! They're quite different here, but thankfully my time in Germany in 2006 helped, and I DID remember what to do.

2. I hooked up a printer! This has nothing to do with Romania being difficult...this is just my own idiocy when it comes to computers. I won!

3. I paid my rent for February all by myself! Thanks to instructions from teammates, I was able to deposit the money into my landlord's account. This meant going from US dollars, to Romanian lei, to Euros...but I did it, and I was quite pleased with myself and thankful for the kind girl at the bank who spoke English.

4. I figured out how to light (yes, light) my stove! Actually, having an oven I had to light at my apartment in Columbus made this a lot less scary. Isn't it funny how God prepares us?? I haven't figured out the oven here, yet. A goal for next week...

5. I picked up paperwork from a government agency on my own! I dropped it off with Scotte the day before to be processed, and then managed (miraculously!)to find my way back to the building, into the right room, and to the right woman to pick it back up. A small victory, but one that goes a long way toward building my confidence in my new home town.

6. The internet is WORKING!! This is really only a half victory because (a) I didn't fix it, and (b) it isn't COMPLETELY fixed yet...but I'll take it! The internet was cutting out generally every 2 minutes, which wasn't good since this is my only form of communication to the world OUTSIDE of Bucharest. I still don't have wireless, but the internet stays connected (after Scotte and Tom worked on it for a while!) so I'm pretty content with THAT!

Each of these victories were accomplish while talking with my Heavenly Father. I depend on Him even more these days, and am always amazed at the way He cares even about silly, insignificant lighting an oven.

Thankfully, He ALSO cares about my defeats, and what week wouldn't have a few of those??

1. My lost luggage. You know the story by now. Resolved in the end!

2. Sinus infection! I couldn't do much Sunday and Monday and was pretty miserable. BUT, I'm so thankful I had antibiotics with me, and I feel MUCH better now, though my sinuses are still draining. Yuck!

3. Frustrating internet. We've covered that already. I prayed over my computer, but it didn't cast the demons out. :-( I had to call in the professional missionaries! ;-)

4. Stolen debit card number. Sometime before I left the States, my card number got stolen, and we discovered this on Wednesday. I've been racking my brain to try to figure out where it happened, but I just have no idea! Anyhow, the bank had to deactivate my card so they wouldn't drain my account, which meant I had no way to access my account or withdraw money in a country that runs on virtually only cash. Yeah....I had a few moments of panic. But that is why God put me in a TEAM here in Bucharest, and they were able to loan me money from the team account until I have access to my own again.

Those were my biggest defeats this week. Nothing too horrible. But of course everything seems more horrible in a new place, with new people. I've asked God "why now?" a few times (especially with the debit card situation!), but was reminded that these things really AREN'T big deals and I need to trust Him.

Next up? Well, I'm headed to an (English) Bible study at the Graefs for tonight with some other young people. Now that I have reliable internet, however, I'll write again soon about the ministry opportunities God is already giving me here.

La revedere!


Rebecca Zurbrick said...

Kristie! O, we could share the same blog. So many of your 'small' victories have been 'big' victories for me too this past week or so! Including how to use the washer/dryer and the internet! haha. God is good and I am excited for you! Praying for you :)

Peggy Abernathy said...

Yes, getting that first week under your belt is huge. And good for you for figuring out your area, the banking,etc.!!

I asked at the post office today about the cheapest way to send you packages so I can get your robe and other items mailed off soon. I'll let you know when I mail it so we can track how long it takes to get there.

Love you bunches! Have a good weekend.

Meg said...

What a big week - in so many ways...your first week, experiencing many Romanian firsts, seeing God in the victories and setbacks!!

One of the cool things about being in a new place is you are able to see God's Hand working around you more often. Not that He works more, but because you aren't in your comfort zone or have the the "normals" of life where we sometimes take God working around us for granted. I hope you are journaling your time (outside of your blog) - this week's experiences will be great reminders in a few months when life becomes "normal" - you can look back and see the ways God worked during your adjustment period.

Lastly, may I encourage you that as you go along (now and forever) to find things that you can put in your as reminders of how God worked, taught, provided for you. Similiar to the Children of Isreal making monuments/memorials to remind them of how they saw God work. I've learned to do this over the last few years - and it's great to have pictures, framed Bible Verse, something tangible to see, etc. around my home to remind me of what God has taught me, how He has provide, battles He has helped me overcome, and that He will continue to walk through this journey with me.

Praying often!

Unknown said...

I am so glad to hear you made it and are beginning to get settled in. Know that I am praying for you, along with some other friends of mine from here in Charlotte. I know that He will do great things in you and in your ministry.

Beth said...

Keep celebrating those small victories. . .and remember them during the setbacks. It was great to talk to you last night friend!!!!! Lifting you up!

Kim D. said...

what an encouragement to read about what you are doing :) i'm glad to hear you are feeling better.
mara and i miss you. praying for you. may you and others be blessed!

Anna said...

Hi Kristie, you don't know me, but your cousin, Danny V., told me to check out your blog and see if I could help you figure out how to light your oven. =-) I'm from Charlotte, NC, and currently serving in Odessa, Ukraine. I've had my own share of oven woes, so it's worth a try to see if I can help you. Ok, my oven has to be lit with a match. But, you have to hold in the knob, light the oven & then continue to push in the knob as hard as you possibly can(all your body weight)for between 30 seconds and one min. Sooo, give it a try and maybe this is your answer! God bless you in your time of transition. I've been here six months now and enjoyed reading about your victories. =-)