Monday, July 14, 2008

A "C" To Be Sure!

"You may bog down in the details of the decision-making process.
You can make major decisions, but may be criticized for the amount
of time you take to gather and analyze information. Although you
like to hear the opinions of your managers, you take risks when
you have facts that you can interpret and use to draw conclusions."

I'm officially in Harrisburg now, in a hotel room, waiting for all the fun to start tomorrow. Granted, finding my way to Harrisburg today was fun in and of itself, plane, two trains, and a mini-van later, I'm where I'm supposed to be. (But I still don't have a roommate...I think I have one...maybe??)

The quote above is from a personality test that I had to take in preparation for this week. If you're familiar with the "DISC" personality test, I'm a high "C", and have the classic "Perfectionist Pattern", which is shocking to those of you who know me, I'm sure! :-) I found the assessment of my decision making process to be amusing and probably true. I DO like to have all my info, which is why I STILL don't have a decision. To be honest, I think I probably have already made it, but there is still that one little last piece of information I need to add. And so I can't quite say it. Sigh. Sometimes the logical side of me has a problem with faith.

All that said, I'm looking forward to a week (without Walgreens!)) where I can focus on THIS part of my life and really think and pray. I mentioned in my last post that I really just wanted a day away from everyone to think and pray, and while that definitely didn't happen last week, I think God DID answer that prayer by giving me today (and a very tardy roommate...or no roommate...we shall see!) and I'm thankful for it!

...So off I go, to gather and analyze more information! :-)

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